What is UX? (quotes & diagrams)

There are many definitions of UX. Some snarky, some verbose, some academic, some from the software development world, others from psychology or end users. I collect them.

I have a long history of collecting quotes. From when I was a child, I would copy out passages or snippets of books that I liked. I owned quotation dictionaries in several languages, and referred to them on a regular basis, or even read them for pleasure. I added my favourite quotes to my school agenda in calligraphic script, or bought them printed on bookmarks.

An excerpt of my extensive collection of favourite quotes exists as a handmade little javascript in the sidebar of this website.

The one quote that has impacted my life the most is Einstein’s “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

Every child needs to be told that, and every adult needs to be reminded of it. Daily.

“The “wireframe/storyboard machine” that the company paid for needs input, and that comes from face time with end users.”

“UX Design is the design behind the visuals”.
via @uxmastery Amen! UX Design is the design behind the visuals #UX via @uxmastery http://uxmastery.com/what-is-ux-design-and-why-should-you-care/

where is UX


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