How to prepare for and run a Design Thinking / Gamestorming / Creative workshop. And what to do with the outputs, too.

In June 2017, I was hired for a few days by a consultancy to help with a design thinking workshop they were running for a client. They needed to run it with 80 participants, and to make it work they’d split them up into cabaret tables of 8, each with a facilitator… who needed to […] continue reading »

Don’t panic, this is an agile experiment!

Diagram of the process

After many months of requests from multiple product owners who never talk to each other (and I am including marketing in that group), we (the design team with me as Head of UX / sole UX person) are finally beginning an experiment with the blessing of our Head of Product! As of this Friday, all […] continue reading »

A diagram of the UX Architecture / Design process 

Some months ago, I was working at a lovely software development place that specialises in the hospitality industry. Over there, I was part of a development team that worked on a series of mobile-first web-based task-centred apps. And I was the only person who “did” UX… This is a short-ish story of why I now […] continue reading »

“an Agile user story is ready when…” definitions (comic strip version!)

In my most recent job, we are working in Agile. This is something I am unfamiliar with and am having fun learning about. Possibly too much fun. Today, we had people stopping on their way to places just to look at our team’s definitions of “ready”. The chipmunk (I attempted a kitten) asking for comments […] continue reading »