The UX of 21st century tv series

Time to read: 3 minutes I love stories. And television series are lovely little drip-fed stories with the same characters, new gags, amusing plot twists, that go on and on for 12 hours each season… but are released on an arbitrary weekly schedule and time! They’re the television equivalent of Harry Potter, Kushiel’s Dart triple-trilogy, the classic The Three Musketeers […] continue reading »

eurydice13’s year on twitter

Time to read: < 1 minute This is a short compilation of what I have been up to, on twitter, courtesy of the vizify team. I’ve had a vizify bio for a long time now, and for new year’s, they’ve added in the “year on twitter” page to it. Turns out that, predictably, my post popular topic was #365, thanks to […] continue reading » now has a blog!

Time to read: < 1 minute So I’ve decided that I like writing quite a lot, and i should have a platform for storing said writings. My confabulations and findings will henceforth reside on, with varied amounts of verbosity and pedantic prose. You aren’t, by any means, requested or expected to read any of these meanderings. If you do, however, […] continue reading »

Flathunting with Google

Time to read: < 1 minute I got a recommendation from a colleague for OUTLET, for professional (or rather… LGB) flatshares, where I found an excellent housing prospect! But OUTLET requires a £7.50 subscription to let you contact the advertiser. (EEEP!) So… I used part of the description text to google with, and found the same advert on SpareRoom!! I contacted […] continue reading »