Good Question, Bad Question – Three ways to get golden insights

The most underestimated, underused, and unknown element of Human-Centred Design that I have ever encountered is the Question. That sentence that pitches up at the end, and finishes with a beautiful and quirky uncertain squiggle with a supportive dot underneath. When we are five, we tend to be great at questions. We ask the Queen […] continue reading »

Don’t panic, this is an agile experiment!

Diagram of the process

After many months of requests from multiple product owners who never talk to each other (and I am including marketing in that group), we (the design team with me as Head of UX / sole UX person) are finally beginning an experiment with the blessing of our Head of Product! As of this Friday, all […] continue reading »

Sketchbook Mondays: Cup sleeve and card holder

One of the problems I’ve always had is that I my hands are hyper-sensitive to heat. In itself this is small, but in 2017, I decided to stop having milky coffees. I’ve never digested milk very well, and it was time to stop it again. So it would be mostly americanos for me in 2017! […] continue reading »

Should developers think for themselves?

I just had a weird conversation with a colleague in our standup meeting. We have a new developer who joined recently and is specialised in working on a particular platform. My colleague argues that if we send the dev my UX wireframes for the improvements, which are made in the sketchy style of balsamiq, he […] continue reading »

documenting responsive web design for CMS authors

This is a page out of a series of specs I wrote for a particular set of websites that use RWD (Responsive Web Design). It was created for the CMS authors and for the devs. It illustrates the behaviour of the title-text-image-moreButton block on various screen sizes, after it was built on a CMS with […] continue reading »

linear calendar for better planning (with post its)

Despite being an Engineer (or perhaps because of it) I am prone to reinventing the wheel. This is a post about how I reinvented the calendar, for the purposes of planning ahead, and doing it better. I am unsatisfied with calendars. Base 7 doesn’t come as naturally as base 10. And cutting things up in […] continue reading »