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Vision and Strategy for CPOs and their teams

I can help you set a vision with your product team, based on data and qualitative research. As an expert facilitator, I will get you to co-create this as a team, creating buy-in from every stakeholder who is present.

How does this work

Uncover opportunities

Useful when a company would like to improve, but don’t feel they know all their problems or opportunities.

How does this work

  • Service Mapping: We Map out the service as experienced by customers and staff, and once that is revealed and visualised, we can use the Service Blueprint to identify opportunities and improvements we could explore.
  • line drawing of a service blueprint template with customer experience, internal process, and technology layers.

  • Could be a one-day session to skim the surface and choose where to dive next, to a deep six week discovery to dive into the entire experience down to the last email and tweet interaction in the customer lifecycle.
  • Outcomes: everyone in the workshops is invested in finding the issues and their solutions. The view of the problem is wide (end to end) and deep (from experience down to data), and can be easily seen by everyone. Getting alignment on what to tackle next becomes easier in the company. And unknown issues and their root causes surface once the big diagram is visible by everyone. It is a very inclusive way to start a transformation.
  • How to book: Message me to schedule an introductory call and see which depth would make most sense for you..

Evaluate concepts to minimise risk

Useful when there are a lot of possible solutions to a problem, and we want to have more certainty on which one to invest in.

  • How we proceed: We create prototypes good enough to learn from (detail will depend on number of concepts and idea maturity), and conduct a mix of quantitative and qualitative research to assess risk of failure vs. success in each.
  • Typical runtime: Depending on prototype resolution and phase of development of each concept, we can learn in four, eight, or twelve weeks. (four weeks: 12 early ideas; eight weeks: 4 early concepts; twelve weeks: 4 concepts, and one de-risking iteration on the 2 “winners”).
  • Outcomes: Budget can be invested in the concepts most likely to succeed, as evaluated scientifically, rather than on a whim. Risk of failure is significantly reduced.
  • How to book: Message me to schedule an introductory call and see which depth would make most sense for you..

  • Let’s talk Product and Services Strategy over coffee or lunch!

    I’ll always make time for a coffee ☕️ if you’re curious about what a human-centred approach can do for your company.

    If what you need is not within my skillset, I’ll refer you to someone else or leave you with a short plan of action.

    If you want a copy of my CV, portfolio, or have a question about life, the universe, and everything, the easiest way to reach out is on Linked in: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/eurydice13, but you can also use the contact form below.

    @eurydice13 on twitter |
    Linked in CV / profile
    | @eurydice13 on instagram

    I am available for independent consulting work.

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