Bullet Journal layout prototyping and planning

I have been journaling since I could hold a pen, and doing some variant of Bullet Journaling since discovering it maybe five or six years ago. I even started a Bullet Journal Addicts meetup in London (https://www.meetup.com/bujo-addicts/) so I could share what I am doing with like-minded people and see how they worked too. At […] continue reading »

Wanderlust: Athens

You don’t have to only go to Greece in the summer. I mean… it’s AWESOME in the summer. Especially if you like spending time on a beach to read, listen to music, play some tavli (backgammon in them foreign parts), drink cold coffee, and swim. But if you’re not into any of those things, then […] continue reading »

heated shrug for the modern office #crazyideas

Ever find yourself freezing in the office? I do. Aircon is brutal. These days, I am sat right in the firing range of not one, but two aircon units, both aimed at my right arm. The one behind me is lethal: when it goes polar, I shiver, wrap myself in my scarf, put my coat […] continue reading »

Forget the jetpack. Where is my idea-to-blog app?

Forget the jetpack. Where is my idea-to-blog app? Seriously. What does it take to note, write, edit, and publish in one place? And why is it so hard to write away from a computer? I don’t have the time to write anymore. And I think that tech is partially responsible for this, as I am […] continue reading »

Venezia: my place out of time

I did not read. I took photos instead. A lot of photos. Last month, I went to Venice (for the third time). I went with The Man, who finally said that Venice “exceeded [his] expectations”. This isn’t something I’ll hear often, especially not about holidays. San Marco The most famous thing about Venice is St […] continue reading »