Bullet Journal layout prototyping and planning

I have been journaling since I could hold a pen, and doing some variant of Bullet Journaling since discovering it maybe five or six years ago. I even started a Bullet Journal Addicts meetup in London (https://www.meetup.com/bujo-addicts/) so I could share what I am doing with like-minded people and see how they worked too. At […] continue reading »

13 ways to detox your brain

One of the biggest perks of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. One of the biggest downsides of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. I used to have my anxiety shoot through the roof at that time… “will I find something else?” “When?” “Who will […] continue reading »

Sketchbook Mondays: Cup sleeve and card holder

One of the problems I’ve always had is that I my hands are hyper-sensitive to heat. In itself this is small, but in 2017, I decided to stop having milky coffees. I’ve never digested milk very well, and it was time to stop it again. So it would be mostly americanos for me in 2017! […] continue reading »

Weekend project: Digitising weather reports!

Weekend project. Digitising #weather reports so I can have LEDs helping me dress every day (instead of the cognitive load of numbers & remembering what yesterday was like) #UX #design #electronics #informationDesign #watercolourpencils Image first posted on instagram. It all started with the London weather being a little bit nuts. One day was summer, the […] continue reading »

A diagram of the UX Architecture / Design process 

Some months ago, I was working at a lovely software development place that specialises in the hospitality industry. Over there, I was part of a development team that worked on a series of mobile-first web-based task-centred apps. And I was the only person who “did” UX… This is a short-ish story of why I now […] continue reading »

useful illustrations for off-season shoe storage

The seasons are changing and I am swapping out summer things for winter things, starting with the hardest things to wear out-of-season: shoes. Everyone says you should put one pair in one box and stick a photo on it. But those people must have a home printer or a way to take expert photos on white […] continue reading »

“an Agile user story is ready when…” definitions (comic strip version!)

In my most recent job, we are working in Agile. This is something I am unfamiliar with and am having fun learning about. Possibly too much fun. Today, we had people stopping on their way to places just to look at our team’s definitions of “ready”. The chipmunk (I attempted a kitten) asking for comments […] continue reading »