Should developers think for themselves?

I just had a weird conversation with a colleague in our standup meeting. We have a new developer who joined recently and is specialised in working on a particular platform. My colleague argues that if we send the dev my UX wireframes for the improvements, which are made in the sketchy style of balsamiq, he […] continue reading »

documenting responsive web design for CMS authors

This is a page out of a series of specs I wrote for a particular set of websites that use RWD (Responsive Web Design). It was created for the CMS authors and for the devs. It illustrates the behaviour of the title-text-image-moreButton block on various screen sizes, after it was built on a CMS with […] continue reading »

how I fixed Vogue’s Fashion Night Out #FNO

Ok, so I didn’t fix it. I just did something slightly OCD only for me. My friend saw what I’d done, loved it, and encouraged me to tell the story and the vision of what FNO could, some day, have. what is FNO? A few weeks ago was the much-anticipated Vogue’s Fashion Night Out. The […] continue reading »

Forget the jetpack. Where is my idea-to-blog app?

Forget the jetpack. Where is my idea-to-blog app? Seriously. What does it take to note, write, edit, and publish in one place? And why is it so hard to write away from a computer? I don’t have the time to write anymore. And I think that tech is partially responsible for this, as I am […] continue reading »

going off-topic in a blog post doesn’t have to be a problem. A (short) evernote story.

Contracting is a busy life choice. Since I started, I have had significantly less time to write on my blog, and it makes me very sad. So whenever I have some quiet time when I am not drained, or when I’ve had an idea, I try to immediately write something that I could turn into […] continue reading »

7 with 7, and other instagram statistics

I’ve been so terrible at writing blog posts, and I love taking photos. I’m still doing my one photo a day project, and I thought a small retrospective on that topic could be interesting. This is all happening on instagram. (the photos in the header of this page? They’re from my instagram feed!) What do […] continue reading »

how disruptive has mobile technology become?

Amusingly perhaps, my topic of choice this week is mobiles, how ubiquitous they have become and how we deal with their interruptions. I decided this on Monday. On Tuesday morning, it was announced that Microsoft would be buying nokia’s devices and services. I never expected to be blogging about mobiles and my love of nokia on the week its death sentence was pronounced. But there you go. Serendipitous irony. […] continue reading »

what do squid ink pasta, mint and a @kindleUk ebook have in common? #recipe

I know it doesn’t look appetising, but trust me, it was delicious. Squid ink pasta, rocket pesto, salmon, tomatoes, mint. This is how my flatmate and I came up with the recipe… And how you can repeat it at home! One sunny Saturday, I was working at home (on a personal project, don’t freak out) […] continue reading »