I have been journaling since I could hold a pen, and doing some variant of Bullet Journaling since discovering it maybe five or six years ago. I even started a Bullet Journal Addicts meetup in London (https://www.meetup.com/bujo-addicts/) so I could share what I am doing with like-minded people and see how they worked too.
At every session, we shared layouts that we were using or trying out. The monthly one varied a lot. But some people had collections, say of books, that they kept in a particular place. It was very interesting.
And then came time to change notebooks… and my small obsession with organising information (or objects). And so I came up with this idea for a small activity.
Use templates to make miniatures of the layouts you like or use, so you can have a selection of ways to document what you want.
Cut them out one by one, and place the templates in your next bujo as placeholders for where you want each layout to be.
Move them around until you’re sure which page will have what, and then you can start drawing them in.
If you want to do this for your own BuJo or any other kind of layout-driven note-taking, here are the templates for the 2-page layouts with grid guides.
The following link is to a dropbox file, you’ll be able to download it from there (or save ti directly to your own DropBox)
Grab the PDF template to create your own collection of mini layouts.
Have fun!
== Footnote ==
This activity was done in December 2017. It has taken me 2.5 years to write it up as a blog post. I have no idea why.