7 books I would re-read from my 2014 bookshelf

When you take advantage of every opportunity to whip out a kindle rather than a mobile phone, you end up reading a decent amount.

In 2014, I read 31 books. You’ll need to scroll inside the box below to see them all. The white frame contains links to my books collection which I curate on pinterest. Last year’s board is called Books:2014.

Follow eurydice13’s board Books: 2014 on Pinterest.

I create this with pinterest’s widget builder.

what I would re-read from 2014

1. A story everyone should read:

2. Most inspiring, kick-you-in-the-arse book:

3. The book I’ve talked about the most, referenced hundreds of times, learnt the most from and given as a gift to several people who have found it as fascinating as I did:

4, 5 and 6. Top 3 books designers should read:

7. Strangely, there is one book that a very large proportion of people I know have read and talked about this past year. Who knew tidying up was trendy?

N.B. All links will direct you to pinterest. All pinterest pins will in turn link you to Amazon.co.uk (sometimes, if I have remembered, using an amazon affiliates link) and the kindle edition of the book. I prefer to read on kindle because I can carry many books at once. Given I usually have more than one on the go at a time, this is very convenient for me. For Christmas my partner got me the feature-full kindle Voyage! (which I keep calling “voyager”). A very comfortable read! Although I am definitely keeping my vintage (3-years-old) classic kindle for my beach holidays.

One thought on “7 books I would re-read from my 2014 bookshelf

  1. I’m actually surprised by the inclusion of Jonasson’s book, there. I thought it *terrible* and had to abandon ship, even putting aside my interest in this region of Svealand! Well, to each our own tastes; I seem to be the oddity, as it’s sold well.

    I continue to owe you thanks for the recommendation on “Universal Methods of Design”, though. That is a *nice* entry on my design shelf.

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