how I fixed Vogue’s Fashion Night Out #FNO

Ok, so I didn’t fix it. I just did something slightly OCD only for me. My friend saw what I’d done, loved it, and encouraged me to tell the story and the vision of what FNO could, some day, have. what is FNO? A few weeks ago was the much-anticipated Vogue’s Fashion Night Out. The […] continue reading »

7 with 7, and other instagram statistics

I’ve been so terrible at writing blog posts, and I love taking photos. I’m still doing my one photo a day project, and I thought a small retrospective on that topic could be interesting. This is all happening on instagram. (the photos in the header of this page? They’re from my instagram feed!) What do […] continue reading »

First 2013 picture of Holland Park

Holland Park, a beautiful London park, has picked up and broadcast my photo as its first photo of the year! How cool is that? Here’s the photo that earned the “first photo of 2013” accolade, from my instagram. See it on Holland Park’s facebook page. the story On the first day of 2013, I went […] continue reading »