WordPress success of the day

It’s been a short while that I discovered that two of my WordPress installs had gone, shall we say, tits up. You could visit the site, you could log into them using the WordPress app, but the damn thing refused to let you log into the dashboard. Something about update.php not existing? Very strange behaviour indeed.

What folly! My SeamstressSophie blog was dead in the water! I had to do something. So I looked it up. There was barely any advice, but someone somewhere said “manual reinstall”. Hah.

Took me a while, but I’ve fixed it. Just had to re-download the WordPress package and overwrite all the files (except the wp-content folder) via ftp. What a relief! Re-jigging the theme back to what it was took longer. *sigh* All done now.

exintaris.com screen capture 2012-12-25-14-40-30

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