Losing my faith in Apple…

I have been evangelising for Apple since the second iPad hit the shelves in Spring 2011. (A camera! Reading! Doodling! Watching stuff!! Big screen!! Photo-notes!!!)  Today, this ends. It’s not my fault that I will no longer be praising the advantages of Apple hardware. It’s Apple’s. One small choice they made is a direct insult […] continue reading »

heuristics of giving and receiving gifts

I love giving gifts. I also love receiving them. Over the years, I have discovered a few basic rules about gifts. Good gifts. Both the giving and receiving. December is upon us, so I am sharing them in case someone finds them helpful. Getting the right thing, seeing the reaction of surprise, delight and happiness. […] continue reading »

Venezia: my place out of time

I did not read. I took photos instead. A lot of photos. Last month, I went to Venice (for the third time). I went with The Man, who finally said that Venice “exceeded [his] expectations”. This isn’t something I’ll hear often, especially not about holidays. San Marco The most famous thing about Venice is St […] continue reading »

I promise not to read…

I read a lot. I am always reading. Street signs, menus, books on the tube, magazines with my coffee, newspaper headlines as i pass a newsstand. I am a reader.  My favourite escape and one of my favourite pastimes in life is to expose my brain to new experiences, information, emotions and ideas, using books. […] continue reading »

first 4 things I do on a temporary work mac

easy-lock my screen I am not an expert mac user. I am, however, a pretty damn good windows user, having even administered large user networks in the past. So when I step away from a windows machine, I always press (Windows + L), which locks the computer. Try it. It’s excellent. [WARNING] A friend of […] continue reading »

in praise of mindmaps, for parties, requirements, and xmas

When was the last time you were thinking (and thinking, and thinking) about a project that needed doing, and you had several ideas, things to progress, things to read up on, people to talk to about certain topics, and functions you wanted your system to perform… except… there was no rhyme or reason to how […] continue reading »