7 with 7, and other instagram statistics

Time to read: 2 minutesI’ve been so terrible at writing blog posts, and I love taking photos. I’m still doing my one photo a day project, and I thought a small retrospective on that topic could be interesting. This is all happening on instagram. (the photos in the header of this page? They’re from my instagram feed!) What do […] continue reading »

What is this **/365 #365 thing I do?

Time to read: < 1 minuteI’ve been asked a couple of times what this “365” thing I do is. And in short it’s just a “one photo a day” project. I’m not sure when or where I came across it. I think it was on flickr. The original project called for a self-portrait every day, but I couldn’t manage that. […] continue reading »

the UX of photography: how am I going to choose a camera?

Time to read: 3 minutesI’ve been wanting a “real” camera for a long time, and now that I am dating an amateur photographer and camera collector (when you have more than half a dozen cameras, you’ve got a collection, chéri), my lack of equipment is made apparent on a semi-daily basis. I own a Rollei 35S which is in […] continue reading »