7 with 7, and other instagram statistics

I’ve been so terrible at writing blog posts, and I love taking photos. I’m still doing my one photo a day project, and I thought a small retrospective on that topic could be interesting. This is all happening on instagram. (the photos in the header of this page? They’re from my instagram feed!)

What do people like? How much do they like it? Do any of the liked photos have anything in common?

The answers go from rabbits to sunsets and from desks to doors. No rhyme or reason that I can see.

I wish I could have linked to the original instagram feed photo, but wordpress doesn’t allow that. Then again, not everyone would like to create a WordPress gallery out of Instagram photos and embed them magically so they also show how many people have liked them and link to the instagram site as well. I was built to test edge cases, seriously…

7 with 7

These are the 7 most recent photos from my instagram feed that have received 7 likes or more. I know 7 is an arbitrary number, but given I had to go back to mid august to get my 7-with-7 gallery, I think that’s an ok number to choose. Further stats on overall top photos further down!

If you would like to “like” those photos on instagram, here are the links:

– rabbit – October – (7) – http://instagram.com/p/ftPcl0gmNX/#
– sun setting on piccadilly – October – (11) – http://instagram.com/p/fjDraqgmPA/#
– St James park – October – (7) http://instagram.com/p/fR3jPPAmAW/#
– black and white desk setup – October – (8) – http://instagram.com/p/fDI9ZhAmE-/#
– blue door – October – (10) http://instagram.com/p/fOWy-_gmD4/#
– portobello carnival – August – (12) http://instagram.com/p/dw79f9gmPS/#
– looking up at the shard – August – (8) – http://instagram.com/p/dhtu6OAmED/#

more instagram stats

I also decided to look up “statistics instagram”, thinking i’d end up on instastats.com or something… But it’s called statigr.am. I’d forgotten about it. I’m feeling the snark. According to statigr.am then, here are my most liked photos ever.

The blue door, the most liked photo across all of them, has 19 likes (and is actually my personal favourite).


The fact that I post across all days of the week and around midnight isn’t a surprise. I’m doing a one-photo-a-day project (#365), and so I end up posting at the end of each day.

statigr.am what time do i post

If you’d like to follow me on instagram, here is my instagram feed: http://instagram.com/eurydice13

What’s your favourite filter? Find out on statigr.am!

Mine is “Rise”:

instagram filter usage

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