who are you calling “extrovert”? The (colourful) secret to faking it in a world gone loud.

Time to read: 4 minutesBefore discovering the internet, I was the quiet child who didn’t ask a single question in 13 years of schooling. Ok. Maybe one or two questions. I dreaded being called to the board to solve things, despite being good at it. I just hated being in the spotlight. And now, I’m talking to you about […] continue reading »

Harry Potter duelling wand – HCI Project

Time to read: 2 minutesTask: The project consisted of creating an interactive toy of our invention for the market. Idea: I suggested we create motion-sensitive dueling wands based on Harry Potter. Different motion patterns cast different attacking or defensive spells. The shielding level was shown on the wand, and a “hit” wand timed out while it recuperated. Approach: After […] continue reading »