Time to read: 4 minutesIn January, I went to a meetup in Athens, Greece, for the first time ever, and I thought it was kind of bad… And it made me wonder, what makes meetups good? For those who don’t know me, I have lived in London, UK, since 2006 (explains the bias of my meetup experiences), am of […] continue reading »
Category: Presentations
I am shameless in saying that I am PowerPoint queen. If I can’t do it in PowerPoint, it can’t be done. Humble? Not in this. I have seen horrors, fixed them, and taught plenty of people “how to fish”. These posts are all about building better presentations, and using Microsoft’s best product in the most efficient way.
13 things I have done since 1st January 2015

Time to read: 4 minutesThere have been no recent blog updates, and that is because I’ve had a very busy – and preoccupied – start to 2015! When I say “busy”: since January 1st I have: Flown to Athens for a weekend to celebrate my dad’s 80th Birthday. We had a great time, with coffee by the seaside in […] continue reading »
who are you calling “extrovert”? The (colourful) secret to faking it in a world gone loud.

Time to read: 4 minutesBefore discovering the internet, I was the quiet child who didn’t ask a single question in 13 years of schooling. Ok. Maybe one or two questions. I dreaded being called to the board to solve things, despite being good at it. I just hated being in the spotlight. And now, I’m talking to you about […] continue reading »
Dinah Casson #talkingInteriors lecture at RCA – Notes #madewithpaper

Time to read: 2 minutesLast night, I went to a lecture by Dinah Casson, of Casson-Mann, given at the RCA in Kensington. The gist of it was “think about the users”, and “they come to relax, learn, be surprised, laugh, cry, and leave as changed people”. Casson Mann design museums and exhibitions. If you made it to the AMAZING […] continue reading »
how I learnt to stop worrying and love talking to strangers

Time to read: 3 minutesToday I attended a conference run by Digital Doughnut. I knew they did digital, I knew they were related to marketing, and I did meet people who worked in the field. But what blew my mind was the stories, backgrounds and odd serendipities (is that a word?) that brought them to marketing in the first […] continue reading »
going social: the split personality conundrum

Time to read: 4 minutesWhy is it that despite using context-defining platforms and communities, we often end up having multiple accounts, one for each aspect of our lives? […] continue reading »
Want to manipulate PDFs?

Time to read: < 1 minuteMost of you will not know the amazing PDF Toolkit (pdftk) It is a command prompt tool that allows you to manipulate PDF documents. rotate them, join two together, extract some pages, delete pages, etc… So, what could be better than PDFtk? PDFtk4all: A context menu for windows (windows shell extension, if you want to […] continue reading »
Social media Evangelist

Time to read: 2 minutesSo I’m doing a presentation. And of course, as part of the process, I am going to stand up in front of my audience and say the formulaic “Hello, my name is Sophie and I’m a…” User Experience Architect. You’re disappointed, I know. This is a two-fold post. Firstly, I would like to confess that […] continue reading »
Curses and blessings of PowerPoint

Time to read: 2 minutesOne of the strongest features of powerpoint is also one of its weaknesses. Slide masters. The ability to set up a consistent layout and format goes to pot when that format cannot be edited from its context of use. Ever tried fixing alignment on a slide when you can’t see the content? Then you haven’t […] continue reading »
And then there was Prezi

Time to read: < 1 minuteI’m sure you’ve heard of Prezi. If you hadn’t until this week, then perhaps this lovely one about the US elections will have caught your eye. Election Results Prezi on Prezi What makes prezi cool Nice flow to items shown, making it incredibly refreshing compared to slide decks, a legacy of the sixties Easy to […] continue reading »