Linear Calendar Jan 2018 – Feb 2019

How often do you get to see strips of time that span nearly FOURTEEN months?! Ok, so all calendars do that. The only difference with this one is that you read it left to right, like you do text. I’ve been making it for three years, because it’s handy. If you stand back from the […] continue reading »

Don’t panic, this is an agile experiment!

Diagram of the process

After many months of requests from multiple product owners who never talk to each other (and I am including marketing in that group), we (the design team with me as Head of UX / sole UX person) are finally beginning an experiment with the blessing of our Head of Product! As of this Friday, all […] continue reading »

13 ways to detox your brain

One of the biggest perks of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. One of the biggest downsides of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. I used to have my anxiety shoot through the roof at that time… “will I find something else?” “When?” “Who will […] continue reading »

Two heads are better than one

I’ve been working with someone. This is note-worthy, because I have mostly worked alone. Most companies today think that one UX Architect is enough to fix All The Things going wrong in a project. We are UX co-leads on a Big Fat Software Rewrite project. On our first day, a Monday, we were told that […] continue reading »