When was the last time you asked yourself “why am I here”?

When was the last time you asked yourself “why am I here”? And I don’t mean in the context of a three-hour meeting that is not needing your expertise after all… I mean existentially. As in, “Am I going to accomplish anything more in this life than turning food into shit?” (Leonardo Da Vinci thought […] continue reading »

Google Home or Amazon Echo?

In our house, we have six little conversational interface audio boxes.  What do we use them for, and which one is better? Here’s what I’ve discovered about Google’s Google home mini, and Amazon’s Echo (standard and dot, we have both kinds). Jokes I think that nine out of ten requests we make of all the […] continue reading »

Linear Calendar Jan 2018 – Feb 2019

How often do you get to see strips of time that span nearly FOURTEEN months?! Ok, so all calendars do that. The only difference with this one is that you read it left to right, like you do text. I’ve been making it for three years, because it’s handy. If you stand back from the […] continue reading »

Wanderlust: Barcelona’s Architecture

I had been wanting to visit Barcelona since 1999-2000, when I took an architecture course and discovered Art Nouveau housing and the work of Gaudí. That dream finally came true after so many years thanks to a contract ending a bit early, my partner having a few days of holiday he couldn’t carry over, and […] continue reading »