Girl geek seeks spacious double room

In the never-ending game of chicken with the Universe in 2013, I have been asked to move out of the flat I have occupied for 5 years, twice in the same week. I was sent a notice to move last Wednesday, then on Friday morning the property manager called me to tell me that they’d had an offer on the flat from an investor, and I no longer needed to move. She promptly sent me a retraction letter for the notice. This Tuesday morning, just as I was running into a series of meetings, I saw an email about how the sale fell through and I do need to move out after all. You know that roller coaster feeling? You don’t need a ticket to Alton Towers to experience it.

what I am doing

I have gotten a subscription to SpareRoom, a highly recommended site for finding rooms in London, so I can find a new place to live. So far, I seem to be able to find about 7 properties in a two-hour browse and contact them. Two may get back to me, and one may still be relevant and worth seeing.

what I have learnt so far

  • I do not want to live with a couple, it’d make me feel like a lodger. I prefer equal footing.
  • I rather like light and space, so a three-bedroom house would be ideal, preferably to share with two other professional women.
  • I want to live in West London, so that when I meet my friends for brunch on Sundays I’m not spending an hour on transport to get there.

Last night I even recorded where everyone lives on a transport map… My flat is nowhere near the map.


my little advert

SpareRoom has a “room wanted” section for people looking to move. This is the profile I have written up for it.

Girl geek seeks spacious double room
Looking for a spacious double room within 30-40min of Embankment / Waterloo stations (where I work) to move into, as I own a lot of clothes and books. One of my hobbies is dressmaking and I also own a sewing machine and dressmakers doll. So I really do need space in my room.
Would like to move in with single people (no couples who live together in one room – partners welcome to stay over, but not live there). I simply do not feel comfortable being a third person in a flat with a couple.
Ideally the flat would have a good kitchen with a dishwasher and washer/drier. If the double room has an en suite bathroom that’s a bonus. I absolutely need fast Internet as I occasionally work from home and do so for a big tech company, and I have an excellent service with Be right now which I could happily transfer over. I currently have a gym in my building so if there’s one in or near yours, let me know!
I like cooking for friends, watching tv series (have a raspberry pi as a media centre), good food and board games. Odds are you’d be invited to join in if you’re there.

how you can help, if you’d like to

If you know of someone who has a room matching the above description, let me know.
And if you know of someone who is looking to move and share a flat, I’m also looking at large 3-bed places and would love to be introduced to a potential new flatmate.

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