Time to read: 2 minutesDownload the 2017 Linear Calendar Here it is, a few weeks late, but brought back to life for two simple reasons: I ran out of the last one A friend who uses my linear calendar to plan for her business asked me for the next one! To use it, print on any printer that prints […] continue reading »
Category: Crazy ideas
I often have crazy ideas. TVs flat like paintings hung on walls, PDAs that take and send photos, a wand-shaped game controller with gyroscope and infrared pointer, …
Everyday things. Today. Less so in 1998, 1999 and 2002.
I never did anything with them myself. And I wonder, if I were to share them, if maybe they could inspire others, make more dots connect, or spur the next generation of enthusiastic techies to make some magic happen.
It also gives me a place to keep the crazy ideas for myself, so I can go back and look at them and laugh at how crazy I was.
Two heads are better than one
Time to read: 6 minutesI’ve been working with someone. This is note-worthy, because I have mostly worked alone. Most companies today think that one UX Architect is enough to fix All The Things going wrong in a project. We are UX co-leads on a Big Fat Software Rewrite project. On our first day, a Monday, we were told that […] continue reading »
Linear calendar: Plan the rest of the year now!
Time to read: 2 minutesIn August last year, I felt I had no control over my life. Or not enough. So I made a linear calendar to plan the year ahead. I figured if I could plan, then I would be in control. Makes sense, right? Now, in May 2016, I find myself in the same position again. Seeking […] continue reading »
Weekend project: Digitising weather reports!
Time to read: 2 minutesWeekend project. Digitising #weather reports so I can have LEDs helping me dress every day (instead of the cognitive load of numbers & remembering what yesterday was like) #UX #design #electronics #informationDesign #watercolourpencils Image first posted on instagram. It all started with the London weather being a little bit nuts. One day was summer, the […] continue reading »
linear calendar for better planning (with post its)
Time to read: 4 minutesDespite being an Engineer (or perhaps because of it) I am prone to reinventing the wheel. This is a post about how I reinvented the calendar, for the purposes of planning ahead, and doing it better. I am unsatisfied with calendars. Base 7 doesn’t come as naturally as base 10. And cutting things up in […] continue reading »
how I used UX principles to organise my wardrobe
Time to read: 5 minutesThe basis of User Experience is “who is the user” and “what do they need”. I have applied these principles to my wardrobe. Here’s how. primary wardrobe usage: getting dressed for what the day holds I use my wardrobe for getting dressed in the mornings, and for putting clothes away in the evenings (or after […] continue reading »
heated shrug for the modern office #crazyideas
Time to read: 2 minutesEver find yourself freezing in the office? I do. Aircon is brutal. These days, I am sat right in the firing range of not one, but two aircon units, both aimed at my right arm. The one behind me is lethal: when it goes polar, I shiver, wrap myself in my scarf, put my coat […] continue reading »