Three ways to get some user testing done in group workshops

I’ve just spent six weeks on a completely insane project. The aspect I want to write about is how this insane project had no scope for (or understanding of) user testing, even though we needed to do some. And this article is about three “hacks” I devised to get some user feedback regardless of what […] continue reading »

Losing my faith in Apple…

I have been evangelising for Apple since the second iPad hit the shelves in Spring 2011. (A camera! Reading! Doodling! Watching stuff!! Big screen!! Photo-notes!!!)  Today, this ends. It’s not my fault that I will no longer be praising the advantages of Apple hardware. It’s Apple’s. One small choice they made is a direct insult […] continue reading »

Two heads are better than one

I’ve been working with someone. This is note-worthy, because I have mostly worked alone. Most companies today think that one UX Architect is enough to fix All The Things going wrong in a project. We are UX co-leads on a Big Fat Software Rewrite project. On our first day, a Monday, we were told that […] continue reading »

Linear calendar: Plan the rest of the year now!

In August last year, I felt I had no control over my life. Or not enough. So I made a linear calendar to plan the year ahead. I figured if I could plan, then I would be in control. Makes sense, right? Now, in May 2016, I find myself in the same position again. Seeking […] continue reading »