Forget the jetpack. Where is my idea-to-blog app?

Time to read: 4 minutesForget the jetpack. Where is my idea-to-blog app? Seriously. What does it take to note, write, edit, and publish in one place? And why is it so hard to write away from a computer? I don’t have the time to write anymore. And I think that tech is partially responsible for this, as I am […] continue reading »

Here are the insides of my notebook. How do you work?

Time to read: 3 minutesMy friend Peter Warwick-Mahoney, web developer extraordinaire (and a fairly awesome human, too) just tweeted about how a lot of his work starts on the back of an envelope, challenging the twittersphere to reply “how do _you_ work?”. I love learning about how people get things done, and quite fancied writing a reply longer than […] continue reading » now has a blog!

Time to read: < 1 minuteSo I’ve decided that I like writing quite a lot, and i should have a platform for storing said writings. My confabulations and findings will henceforth reside on, with varied amounts of verbosity and pedantic prose. You aren’t, by any means, requested or expected to read any of these meanderings. If you do, however, […] continue reading »