I promise not to read…

I read a lot. I am always reading. Street signs, menus, books on the tube, magazines with my coffee, newspaper headlines as i pass a newsstand. I am a reader.  My favourite escape and one of my favourite pastimes in life is to expose my brain to new experiences, information, emotions and ideas, using books. […] continue reading »

you are kindly invited to sponsor my amazon addiction (or how I added a paypal “donate” button to my wordpress blog)

I have just started working as a freelancer, and intend to continue blogging and expanding my knowledge. Sadly, both of these pursuits, while extremely pleasant, are lucrative for amazon and bring me nothing more than joy. So I’ve decided, a bit belatedly, to add a paypal “donate” button to my blog for anyone who would […] continue reading »

Make them beautiful! Make them free! Publishers, the reading paradigm is shifting!

This week, a good friend of mine is releasing a new book. I am dying to read it, and he’s already got a copy for me, which is amazing. Thing is… I’ll never carry a hardcover around now that I have a kindle to read from. And I don’t want to pay double for books […] continue reading »