13 ways to detox your brain

Time to read: 7 minutesOne of the biggest perks of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. One of the biggest downsides of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. I used to have my anxiety shoot through the roof at that time… “will I find something else?” “When?” “Who will […] continue reading »

Books of 2016

Time to read: 4 minutesIn 2016, I discovered goodreads again (I signed up for it in 2012), and found their “book challenge” section, which I promptly set up with a goal of 30 books. Turns out, 2016 was a good year for books! We got new bookcases to make ours happy. Our books are happier and we are happier! […] continue reading »