Time to read: 2 minutesPinterest is still sort of a new kid on the block for social media. And this week, I discovered yet another use for it: market and trend research. […] continue reading »
5 things i use pinterest for

Somehow I seem to be a social media expert and evangelist. Try mentioning twitter to me and not having me wax lyrical about how great a communication enabler it is. I dare you. Posts here are about how to use social media, my experience with them, and funny, controversial, or useful things I have found.
Time to read: 2 minutesPinterest is still sort of a new kid on the block for social media. And this week, I discovered yet another use for it: market and trend research. […] continue reading »
Time to read: < 1 minuteI’ve been asked a couple of times what this “365” thing I do is. And in short it’s just a “one photo a day” project. I’m not sure when or where I came across it. I think it was on flickr. The original project called for a self-portrait every day, but I couldn’t manage that. […] continue reading »
Time to read: 2 minutesOnce upon a time, twitter didn’t have a RT button. People would copy a tweet, paste it in their status update box, put “RT” in front of it and credit the original writer when sending it out. Now, twitter has a ReTweet button. As do all the other twitter clients out there. This magical button […] continue reading »
Time to read: < 1 minuteTwitter is down. And I can’t tweet about it. The shock! The horror! So I’m posting here. There’s a cute robo-monkey though. It’ll all be fine. […] continue reading »
Time to read: < 1 minuteI won’t take the credit for this. I saw someone mentioning it. @themattelliott to be specific. The gist of it is that there is a little website which will take instagram photos (yours, someone else’s, from a tag, etc…) and generate a background image for you which you can stick onto twitter. This is what […] continue reading »
Time to read: < 1 minuteThis is a short compilation of what I have been up to, on twitter, courtesy of the vizify team. I’ve had a vizify bio for a long time now, and for new year’s, they’ve added in the “year on twitter” page to it. Turns out that, predictably, my post popular topic was #365, thanks to […] continue reading »
Time to read: 2 minutesTwitter is a news-snippet drip-feed So it can be the BBC telling you about the UN vote on Palestine happening live, or your cousin posting a photo about a skirt she’s trying on, asking you what you think. Twitter is a place where everyone -and i mean everyone- can broadcast a short snippet of something […] continue reading »
Time to read: 2 minutesSo I’m doing a presentation. And of course, as part of the process, I am going to stand up in front of my audience and say the formulaic “Hello, my name is Sophie and I’m a…” User Experience Architect. You’re disappointed, I know. This is a two-fold post. Firstly, I would like to confess that […] continue reading »
Time to read: < 1 minuteWas looking for interesting twitter statistics, and found this. I would like to suggest an amendment to the top 100 tweets. There is definitely room for “rants about bad transport”… […] continue reading »
Time to read: 4 minutesIf you have a problem with your bank, you call them! No? Well, I did. But first… I had a problem with HSBC, so I tried going into the branch to talk to someone. They sent me to the phones. After half an hour, I was told there was nothing they could do, and I […] continue reading »