Time to read: 3 minutesYou don’t have to only go to Greece in the summer. I mean… it’s AWESOME in the summer. Especially if you like spending time on a beach to read, listen to music, play some tavli (backgammon in them foreign parts), drink cold coffee, and swim. But if you’re not into any of those things, then […] continue reading »
Tag: Sketchbook
Sketchbook mondays (because it’s been a while…)

Time to read: < 1 minuteI’m cheating a little. Someone asked me to sketch out some ideas for a mall application. And these are some of the sketches i’ve been working on. […] continue reading »
sketchbook Monday: interfaces and hummingbirds

Time to read: 2 minutesSome random Monday sketches. All drawn today. The wireframes are from the structure of a website I’m spending some time thinking about. It talks about children and tech (across games, online security, education, and more) and I have to say I rather like it. quib.ly: for techie parents. (this is my tagline, not theirs) They […] continue reading »
sketchbook Monday – handbag contents

Time to read: < 1 minuteNew goal: post a sneak photo of what went on in my sketchbook the previous week. Today, a simple unpolished sketch of various items that I carry with me every day. They don’t actually fit in the tiny handbag featured. And that’s part of the point of this sketch, to visualise how much stuff I […] continue reading »