Time to read: 3 minutesDiscovering UX delights in Bavaria. Specifically, Salzburg and Munich. […] continue reading »
did you know Bavarians were good at UX?

Time to read: 3 minutesDiscovering UX delights in Bavaria. Specifically, Salzburg and Munich. […] continue reading »
Time to read: 5 minutesWhen people ask me what I do, I reply that I make websites. Recently, I’ve been working as a UX freelancer on various projects. What did I really do? […] continue reading »
Time to read: 3 minutesWhen a sales person calls me for a decision 15 hours after a visit during which every fourth word was “Sophia”… I run… for the nearest alternative. […] continue reading »
Time to read: 2 minutesWant to build a good brand? These are my top five suggestions for getting it right. If you know there will be an outage in service, warn your affected users, tell them when service will resume. And apologise. It sets expectations, demonstrates you are in control (even if that’s not true), and makes them feel […] continue reading »
Time to read: 2 minutesA friend of a friend needs a website. She’s an award-winning theatre director and professor in the USA, so her website needs to convey her experience and vision. I asked her why she does what she does, why she has chosen to direct, and she said that she loves telling stories, showing relationships about people, […] continue reading »
Time to read: 3 minutesI’ve been wanting a “real” camera for a long time, and now that I am dating an amateur photographer and camera collector (when you have more than half a dozen cameras, you’ve got a collection, chéri), my lack of equipment is made apparent on a semi-daily basis. I own a Rollei 35S which is in […] continue reading »
Time to read: < 1 minuteI am no longer sure how I found them, but I just discovered theory design, a UX / UI company based in Canada. There was a blog post by someone about retro-style sites, and theirs featured. It’s pretty! I loved the colours and the very post-2010 single-page-scrolling content layout, complete with static header with cute […] continue reading »
Time to read: < 1 minuteI lead design on the new IBM SPSS Decision Management suite of applications. This is a set of configurable web-based applications that bring predictive analytics to business users. My task was to design a front-end that would allow non-expert users to take advantage of data analysis tools available on IBM SPSS Modeler Server, combine them […] continue reading »