Theatre Director website – sketches

Time to read: 2 minutesA friend of a friend needs a website. She’s an award-winning theatre director and professor in the USA, so her website needs to convey her experience and vision. I asked her why she does what she does, why she has chosen to direct, and she said that she loves telling stories, showing relationships about people, […] continue reading »

can web design be free?

Time to read: 5 minutesIf I am stuck with a budget of next-to-nothing, can I still design for the web at the level I normally deliver? Can, ultimately, web design be free? “adobe” is web-design for “wealthy” I have been fortunate enough to work on Adobe products for most of my web designing life, so creating lovely interactive buttons, […] continue reading »

UX Design verticals

Time to read: < 1 minuteWhile learning more about my discipline (user experience architecture), I discovered that I may have been mislabeling myself. There is a taxonomy matrix of skills / roles that has been developed by MethodBrain, and it doesn’t quite agree with what I thought was applicable. It is worth marking out the items on it that I […] continue reading »

Beauty is in the source of the page

Time to read: < 1 minuteI am no longer sure how I found them, but I just discovered theory design, a UX / UI company based in Canada. There was a blog post by someone about retro-style sites, and theirs featured. It’s pretty! I loved the colours and the very post-2010 single-page-scrolling content layout, complete with static header with cute […] continue reading »

IBM SPSS Modeler & Decision Management | UI Design

Time to read: < 1 minuteI lead design on the new IBM SPSS Decision Management suite of applications. This is a set of configurable web-based applications that bring predictive analytics to business users. My task was to design a front-end that would allow non-expert users to take advantage of data analysis tools available on IBM SPSS Modeler Server, combine them […] continue reading »