“What is UX” for Startups

Time to read: 2 minutesI’m at a startup, as Head of UX, shaping a product that’s launching next week, and helping the team find ways of working that make them be more productive and feel more empowered. One of the challenges with the otherwise small and jovial company, is that there is already a silo: Marketing. What’s wrong with […] continue reading »

A diagram of the UX Architecture / Design process 

Time to read: 3 minutesSome months ago, I was working at a lovely software development place that specialises in the hospitality industry. Over there, I was part of a development team that worked on a series of mobile-first web-based task-centred apps. And I was the only person who “did” UX… This is a short-ish story of why I now […] continue reading »

why I call myself a “UX Architect”.

Time to read: 2 minutesPeople with my skills have been called UI designers, business analysts, information architects, interaction designers and a few other things besides. This is confusing and tiring. I have chosen “UX Architect”, and I have a reason. Firstly, “UX” stands for user experience, and is an offshoot of Human-Computer Interaction. My choice of “UX Architect” is […] continue reading »