Here are the insides of my notebook. How do you work?

Time to read: 3 minutesMy friend Peter Warwick-Mahoney, web developer extraordinaire (and a fairly awesome human, too) just tweeted about how a lot of his work starts on the back of an envelope, challenging the twittersphere to reply “how do _you_ work?”. I love learning about how people get things done, and quite fancied writing a reply longer than […] continue reading »

Qype: Sketch Glade in London

Time to read: < 1 minuteIf I were to sum up sketch, it would be “a constant surprise”. Between the “marelle” drawn on the floor at the entrance, the fairy forest bar, the delicious cocktails, the nearly alice-in-wonderland main dining room and the borderline clockwork-orange-lookalike egg-shaped toilets… well… sketch simply does not stop surprising you. All I had was a […] continue reading »

How to read twitter like a magazine

Time to read: 2 minutesTwitter is a news-snippet drip-feed So it can be the BBC telling you about the UN vote on Palestine happening live, or your cousin posting a photo about a skirt she’s trying on, asking you what you think. Twitter is a place where everyone -and i mean everyone- can broadcast a short snippet of something […] continue reading »

Social media Evangelist

Time to read: 2 minutesSo I’m doing a presentation. And of course, as part of the process, I am going to stand up in front of my audience and say the formulaic “Hello, my name is Sophie and I’m a…” User Experience Architect. You’re disappointed, I know. This is a two-fold post. Firstly, I would like to confess that […] continue reading »

The Caffé series: London coffee chains

Time to read: 3 minutesSo I’ve decided to finally write about where to I find good coffee in London. My first ever caffeine-inspired post is about the top three (four since 2012) coffee chains. I used to hate coffee, down to the smell of it, due to parental associations with cigarettes, wasted time, late nights, and general bad health. […] continue reading »

Curses and blessings of PowerPoint

Time to read: 2 minutesOne of the strongest features of powerpoint is also one of its weaknesses. Slide masters. The ability to set up a consistent layout and format goes to pot when that format cannot be edited from its context of use. Ever tried fixing alignment on a slide when you can’t see the content? Then you haven’t […] continue reading »