Time to read: 7 minutesOne of the biggest perks of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. One of the biggest downsides of freelancing is that I get compulsory free time in between projects. I used to have my anxiety shoot through the roof at that time… “will I find something else?” “When?” “Who will […] continue reading »
How I applied for permanent residence as an EU citizen living in the UK
Time to read: 7 minutesSo the first thing I did, a few months after “WTF, did Brexit really just happen?” settled into my brain, was to google like mad about permanent residency. (If you don’t want to read the whole story, you can always skip to the checklist at the end.) Research And… I ended up on a few […] continue reading »
“What is UX” for Startups
Time to read: 2 minutesI’m at a startup, as Head of UX, shaping a product that’s launching next week, and helping the team find ways of working that make them be more productive and feel more empowered. One of the challenges with the otherwise small and jovial company, is that there is already a silo: Marketing. What’s wrong with […] continue reading »
How to win at UX
Time to read: 5 minutesUX is trendy, and we should all rejoice… Except UXers often work to unrealistic expectations, (“make this product user-friendly in 8 weeks”) try to solve non-existent problems (“build that team a dashboard with metrics XYZ”), and are seldom allowed time to do real research or work as a team (“we don’t have time for that, […] continue reading »
Wanderlust: Barcelona’s Architecture
Time to read: 5 minutesI had been wanting to visit Barcelona since 1999-2000, when I took an architecture course and discovered Art Nouveau housing and the work of Gaudí. That dream finally came true after so many years thanks to a contract ending a bit early, my partner having a few days of holiday he couldn’t carry over, and […] continue reading »
Another of my #crazyideas
Time to read: < 1 minuteAnother of my #crazyideas, dredged up from childhood memories. What if cigarettes could blow #bubbles full of smoke which carried that filthy stuff away? #smoking #health #crazyideas #e13 via Instagram http://ift.tt/2qfpj5P […] continue reading »
Why are UX take home tasks so crap?
Time to read: 9 minutesThe UX industry suffers from a delusion: that the take-home task is a good way to understand what each candidate for a job is capable of. This isn’t 100% wrong, but it sure as hell is flawed!! I’ve written about why I think this is flawed, included some examples of – REAL – good and […] continue reading »
How BA failed at maths, humanity, and service design
Time to read: 5 minutesI’ve been on FOUR BA flights since 27th December 2016. This only matters because the last one was a VERY different experience from the first three. The first two were First Class (we used avios, sit back down), and awesome. On my last and fourth one, however, I discovered BA’s new policy of not serving […] continue reading »
Books of 2016
Time to read: 4 minutesIn 2016, I discovered goodreads again (I signed up for it in 2012), and found their “book challenge” section, which I promptly set up with a goal of 30 books. Turns out, 2016 was a good year for books! We got new bookcases to make ours happy. Our books are happier and we are happier! […] continue reading »
Sketchbook Mondays: Cup sleeve and card holder
Time to read: 2 minutesOne of the problems I’ve always had is that I my hands are hyper-sensitive to heat. In itself this is small, but in 2017, I decided to stop having milky coffees. I’ve never digested milk very well, and it was time to stop it again. So it would be mostly americanos for me in 2017! […] continue reading »