Time to read: 9 minutesThe UX industry suffers from a delusion: that the take-home task is a good way to understand what each candidate for a job is capable of. This isn’t 100% wrong, but it sure as hell is flawed!! I’ve written about why I think this is flawed, included some examples of – REAL – good and […] continue reading »
Tag: UX
Two heads are better than one

Time to read: 6 minutesI’ve been working with someone. This is note-worthy, because I have mostly worked alone. Most companies today think that one UX Architect is enough to fix All The Things going wrong in a project. We are UX co-leads on a Big Fat Software Rewrite project. On our first day, a Monday, we were told that […] continue reading »
Should developers think for themselves?
Time to read: 3 minutesI just had a weird conversation with a colleague in our standup meeting. We have a new developer who joined recently and is specialised in working on a particular platform. My colleague argues that if we send the dev my UX wireframes for the improvements, which are made in the sketchy style of balsamiq, he […] continue reading »
Exquisite (language-agnostic) #UX for this bin. Good job #Zurich!

Time to read: < 1 minuteExquisite (language-agnostic) #UX for this bin. Good job #Zurich! via Instagram http://ift.tt/1AIZ0Ai […] continue reading »
how I fixed Vogue’s Fashion Night Out #FNO

Time to read: 6 minutesOk, so I didn’t fix it. I just did something slightly OCD only for me. My friend saw what I’d done, loved it, and encouraged me to tell the story and the vision of what FNO could, some day, have. what is FNO? A few weeks ago was the much-anticipated Vogue’s Fashion Night Out. The […] continue reading »
why I call myself a “UX Architect”.
Time to read: 2 minutesPeople with my skills have been called UI designers, business analysts, information architects, interaction designers and a few other things besides. This is confusing and tiring. I have chosen “UX Architect”, and I have a reason. Firstly, “UX” stands for user experience, and is an offshoot of Human-Computer Interaction. My choice of “UX Architect” is […] continue reading »
The ethics of web design: do we have any?

Time to read: 3 minutesWhat makes someone an expert? A wise woman once told me that you are an expert “when others come to you for answers”. Well. It does take a little bit more: such as the ability to answer questions, repeatedly, correctly, memorably. There is a requirement to educate, surprise and spread knowledge and skills. Do that […] continue reading »
I need a Paul Smith shirt: mobile app for shopping malls

Time to read: 4 minutesWhat if you owned a big mall, say out in Kent, and you had a website that existed, but that you weren’t sure was very helpful? Maybe your stores listing was confusing. I’d love to poke around a mall’s google analytics data! Look at failed searches, where users quit, what they type in… Treasure trove […] continue reading »
one #UX way to accelerate @Citrix login: progressive prompts

Time to read: 2 minutesI’ve been working somewhere (LinkedIn will know) where they use Citrix and virtual machines on a daily basis, as a replacement for real local desktops. This is a brilliant idea, allowing impeccable employee mobility, swapping around of laptops and desktops, and “work from home” capabilities. But… My personal issue comes from the fact that every […] continue reading »
what the arrow inside your textbox means (on a 3×3 grid)

Time to read: 2 minutesI was drawing up a UI (surprised?), and somehow started thinking about where I should put the little arrow in my box of text. That caused me to pause, and think. UX Architects overthink… and then blog about it, it’s terrible. But maybe it will be useful some day. So I concluded that the little […] continue reading »