Time to read: 7 minutesSo the first thing I did, a few months after “WTF, did Brexit really just happen?” settled into my brain, was to google like mad about permanent residency. (If you don’t want to read the whole story, you can always skip to the checklist at the end.) Research And… I ended up on a few […] continue reading »
Category: London
how I fixed Vogue’s Fashion Night Out #FNO

Time to read: 6 minutesOk, so I didn’t fix it. I just did something slightly OCD only for me. My friend saw what I’d done, loved it, and encouraged me to tell the story and the vision of what FNO could, some day, have. what is FNO? A few weeks ago was the much-anticipated Vogue’s Fashion Night Out. The […] continue reading »
so wait a few years and it will stop
Time to read: 3 minutesAs I start thinking about the incipit (first few words) of this article, I realise I was about to describe my outfit to you. Then I stopped. There is nothing wrong with my outfit. There is nothing wrong with me. The men who holler out “hey sexy” are the ones who are wrong. Not me. […] continue reading »
#sketchbookMondays – sketchnotes from behavioural boozenomics

Time to read: < 1 minuteThere is a behavioural economics meetup in London that has been running for two years now. Last week, i went to their two year anniversary event. They had a lecture / interview with George Loewenstein and Rory Sutherland. More details on Nathalie’s RSA blog. I don’t know Nathalie. But I do think I met her […] continue reading »
war of the museums: British Museum vs Royal Academy
Time to read: 9 minutesThis is, of course, an unfair fight. The British Museum has long brought a knife to a gun fight. A tradition in history, documenting, archiving, and an obvious affinity for achaeology must have served them well from the 1800s… But when it comes to designing exhibits, in 2014, I think they could use some help. […] continue reading »
Dinah Casson #talkingInteriors lecture at RCA – Notes #madewithpaper

Time to read: 2 minutesLast night, I went to a lecture by Dinah Casson, of Casson-Mann, given at the RCA in Kensington. The gist of it was “think about the users”, and “they come to relax, learn, be surprised, laugh, cry, and leave as changed people”. Casson Mann design museums and exhibitions. If you made it to the AMAZING […] continue reading »
I need a Paul Smith shirt: mobile app for shopping malls

Time to read: 4 minutesWhat if you owned a big mall, say out in Kent, and you had a website that existed, but that you weren’t sure was very helpful? Maybe your stores listing was confusing. I’d love to poke around a mall’s google analytics data! Look at failed searches, where users quit, what they type in… Treasure trove […] continue reading »
how I learnt to stop worrying and love talking to strangers

Time to read: 3 minutesToday I attended a conference run by Digital Doughnut. I knew they did digital, I knew they were related to marketing, and I did meet people who worked in the field. But what blew my mind was the stories, backgrounds and odd serendipities (is that a word?) that brought them to marketing in the first […] continue reading »
business banking: branch, web, phone, or twitter? How @metro_bank won

Time to read: 6 minutesThe premise: I got a contracting gig.
The daunting task: I needed a business account to be paid into!
And of course, everything that I could do wrong, I did very very very wrong indeed. […] continue reading »
Sketchbook Monday! Indestructible travel card holders, free to test!

Time to read: 2 minutesOk. So maybe not “indestructible”. But if you use one of my travel card holders and it falls apart (you know, how the plastic ones do?) within a year of purchase, i’ll make you an identical new one for free! Yes, this applies to sit-on-it-daily young men too. No guarantees on the cards contained though! […] continue reading »